
Why do I get a permission denied error from websnort?

You need to ensure that snort/suricata can run as the same user running the web application. In particular check that all config files are readable by the web user. On Ubuntu recent packages of snort deploy /etc/snort/snort.conf as root readable only.

If this is the case try:

sudo chmod a+r /etc/snort/snort.conf

It is also worth testing without using the web application, by attempting to run the snort/suricata command-line as the web user, manually on the command-line to verify it produces the expected results.

For example:

snort -r /tmp/test.pcap -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -A console -l /tmp

Why doesn’t websnort show the alerts I expect?

If you expect the pcap you are submitting to generate alerts and it doesn’t, verify that the IDS generates the expected alerts from the command-line as the webapp user.

For example:

snort -r /tmp/test.pcap -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -A console -l /tmp

If this is not working you may want to disable checksum validation for the IDS, especially if the pcaps were generated from a virtual network/sandbox or replay tool.

For example, in /etc/snort/snort.conf add:

validate_checksums off

Or in /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml change:

  memcap: 128mb
  checksum-validation: no

If your pcaps have some unusual VLAN tagging and you are running Suricata, you may want to try disabling VLAN tracking in the sessionisation.

For example in /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml change:

  use-for-tracking: false

Websnort still doesn’t work what should I do?

If you have read through the relevant sections of the documentation but are still having problems, please raise an issue on the project’s issue tracker and someone may be able to assist.