

websnort relies on a user already having one or more functioning IDS installations on their deployment host.

For help with installing snort please follow their documentation.

For help with installing suricata please follow their documentation.

For Linux operating systems, packaged versions of these applications may already be available in your system software repository/library.

Install with Pip

The simplest way to install is using the pip package install utility. This will ensure all python dependencies are downloaded/installed appropriately:

pip install websnort

It is recommended to use virtualenv to keep third-party packages isolated from system python packages. However, if installing system wide you will need to run pip as root/sudo.

Run from Source

The latest code can be run directly by cloning the GitHub repository:

git clone


The default config for websnort is setup to interface with a snort deployment on Ubuntu/Debian, using the ruleset referenced by /etc/snort/snort.conf.

To customise the setup you can override the websnort config file by creating a new config file (in order of loading precedence):

  • ~/.websnort/websnort.conf
  • /etc/websnort/websnort.conf

Look at the example config files provided in websnort/conf for other common configurations.

The config file format is as follows:

# Comma-separated list of config sections/instances to run
ids = snort

# python ids module name/type to use
module = snort
# name to give the ruleset in results
ruleset = community
# path to snort binary, will search path if not absolute
path = snort
# snort rules config file location
config = /etc/snort/snort.conf
# any additional command line args to include
extra_args =

Inbuilt Webserver

websnort uses the python bottle framework to provide its web interface. This provides the ability to run a simple webserver from the command-line.

usage: websnort [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST
 Web server Host address to bind to
-p PORT, --port PORT
 Web server Port to bind to

By default the webserver will bind to all network interfaces and run on port 8080. To run on a different port number:

websnort -p 8000

You will need to ensure the user that you are running the webserver as, has the appropriate permissions to run snort/suricata from the command-line and can read any applicable config files.

Python WSGI

websnort also provides an entrypoint for interfacing with other webservers that support python WSGI.

An example httpd config for apache could look something like the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>


    WSGIDaemonProcess processes=3 threads=1 display-name=%{GROUP}

    WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/lib/python/site-packages/websnort/

    <Directory /usr/lib/python/site-packages/websnort>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


See QuickConfigurationGuide for more information on setting up modwsgi with Apache.